Powering real-time loan underwriting at Vontive with Materialize

In the fast-paced world of mortgage lending, speed and accuracy are crucial. To support their underwriters, Vontive transformed written rules for loan eligibility from a Google Doc into SQL queries for evaluation in a Postgres database. However, while functional, this setup struggled to scale with business growth, resulting in slow, cumbersome processing times. Executing just a handful of loan eligibility rules could take up to 27 seconds–far too long for user-friendly interactions....

October 8, 2024 · Steffen Hausmann

Everything you need to know to be a Materialize power-user

This post is also available on the Materialize blog. Materialize is a distributed SQL database built on streaming internals. With it, you can use the SQL you are already familiar with to build powerful stream processing capabilities. But as with any abstraction, sometimes the underlying implementation details leak through the abstraction. Queries that look simple and innocent when you are formulating them in SQL can sometimes require more resources than expected when evaluated incrementally against a continuous stream of arriving updates....

April 20, 2023 · Steffen Hausmann